Alfredo Häberli Design Development

Camper is situated on one of the Balearic Islands, in the heart of Europe. In my opinion, this accounts for part of this company's stand-out status. I love the quality, the sincerity, the fun and creativity of their products. Also their communication. Thanks to their support, my contribution to the project of the new flagship in Paris consisted in defining simple elements or ideas that, in addition to upholding the high level image, also meet the everyday requirements towards such a store.

I positioned an island-like table in the centre of the space that is large and high, made up of further, smaller islands or stones. Their forms and different materials help to organize the shoe families. Lamps in the shape of dresses, trousers, bermudas or shorts hang from the ceiling. They float above the shoes as if they were the ghosts of human being. They provide warmth and a subtle touch of humour. A curtain runs along one side of the room - from the door to the back of the narrow but large space, where the cash desk is located. On the opposite wall, with only a small number of lines and hardly any words at all, almost 80 drawings, thoughts developed within the scope of this first Camper store, reflect the principal theme, i.e. shoes.